Our goal is to return Metro to the world-class transit system it once was. And our promise to the region is that we will bring the same passion and commitment to our job as our riders bring to theirs.

Video Transcript

Securing the homeland, protecting the environment, educating a nation. Every day, Metro riders take on the toughest problems on the planet. They come to the nation's capital driven by a sense of duty, a desire to make things better and a commitment to their cause. The entire world depends on them doing their jobs, and at Metro we are well aware that they depend on us to do ours. We want our riders to know that we recognize the hard issues facing our system. We know that before we can regain their trust we need to restore their service. We'll do that first by getting back to good, then eventually returning Metro to the world-class transit system it once was, and our promise to the region is that we will bring the same passion and commitment to our job as our riders bring to theirs.