For immediate release: June 15, 2022

Metro to return eight 7000-series trains to service

Metro today completed final review of its plan to return eight 7000-series trains to passenger service. Customers can expect service to start tomorrow. 

Since May 19, Metro has been focused on training inspectors on the required safety processes which include daily back-to-back wheel measurements using a digital gauge. Metro conducted a number of pre-operational test exercises with inspectors to ensure a smooth launch of the new process. 

Metro is actively working on Phases 2 and 3 of its return to service plan which will require approval from the Washington Metrorail Safety Commission (WMSC) to incorporate the use of Automated Wayside Inspection System (AWIS) Equipment as part of the inspection process. 

Currently, the AWIS system is being configured and tested to eventually monitor wheel measurements on Metro’s entire fleet. 

The popular 7000-series trains will first appear on the Green and Yellow Lines. Once railcar personnel have created a steady rhythm of inspections and consistently delivered eight trains for daily service, Metro expects to use the trains to increase service on the Blue, Orange and Silver lines to every 15 minutes in July.