Clean Air

Clean Air

The region's health relies on clean air. Poor air quality puts health at risk, and choosing Metro is one of the most effective strategies for improving air quality. Metro riders take about one million car trips off the road each weekday, avoiding emissions that contribute to poor air quality.

Clean Air - EmissionsTo further improve air quality, we are converting our bus fleet to newer, cleaner vehicles. Ninety percent of the Metrobus fleet now consists of hybrid electric vehicles or vehicles that use alternative fuels, such as compressed natural gas.

In addition to keeping our air clean, alternative fuel vehicles are much quieter than those using traditional combustion engines. This has led to lower levels of noise pollution from our buses, and studies show that noise reductions reduce stress.

We are also engaging in zero-emission fleet planning to enable a clean and sustainable region, control operating costs and improve the customer experience. Learn more about the Zero-Emission Bus Update.