
Station Address:
43625 Croson Lane
Ashburn, VA 20147

Located in the median of the Dulles Greenway near the intersection of Route 772 (Ryan Road).

Ashburn Station is the new terminus station for the Silver Line. Located in Loudoun County, VA, it serves Ashburn, Loudoun Station development, Moorefield Station development, Brambleton, and beyond.


Two Station Entrances: Pedestrian bridges available from both sides of the Dulles Greenway

Kiss & Ride: Available on both sides with ADA spaces and spots reserved for safety vehicles. Kiss & Ride lots have shuttle drop-off points but no hourly parking

Bicycles: 51 bike racks and 5 bike lockers in total

Parking: Parking for approximately 3,000 cars in two garages, one on each side of the station, with ADA spaces, EV charging spaces, and fuel-efficient spaces

What's Nearby: Located near the Dulles Greenway with office, dining, movie theater, retail, and residential options

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Check out the Rider Guide to find detailed information on the Silver Line Extension stations and everything you need to know about how to ride Metro.