Metro News Release

For immediate release: April 6, 2007

New Metro Audiocast Available for Download

Metro’s newest weekly audiocast, dated April 6, is now available to customers on Online users can download the audio-casts and listen right on their computers or on MP3 devices, such as an ipod or zune. The audio-casts offer customers a summary of Metro-related news for the week and provide an overview of how planned maintenance work or major events in the region may impact their weekend travel.

This week’s audio-cast was posted today and features information about Metro’s new Adopt-A-Bus Stop program and the “Street Smart” pedestrian and bicycle safety campaign. Additionally, it highlights Metro’s rail riding vacuum truck, a piece of equipment that cleans the tracks of mud, water and debris to help prevent service disruptions. The audio-cast also informs riders of Green Line weekend rail car testing that may add up to 10 minutes of travel time for customers and Metrobus detours affecting the A2, A4, A6, A8, B2, G2, P6, W2, W4, W6, W8, 4A, 16B, 16E, 16F, 16J, 90, 92, and 94 Metrobus routes this weekend.


News release issued at 12:00 am, April 6, 2007.