Metro News Release

For immediate release: August 14, 2007

Metro earns an "A" from feds after audit of contracts

Metro earned high marks in a federal audit of the agency's contracts.

The Federal Transit Administration reviewed 61 contracts where federal funds were used for projects, such as construction and bus and rail car purchases. The contracts were valued at more than $1.4 billion.

The FTA gave Metro a score of 96 out of 100.

"Auditors were very complimentary of staff members' knowledge, energy and enthusiasm and had high praise for the quality of procurement work performed," said Charles Woodruff, Metro's chief financial officer. "Overall, they found strong procurement policies and procedures."

Federal auditors also found room for improvement, such as Metro getting more independent cost estimates before awarding contracts.

"We'll do more training where needed and encourage procurement employees to get more price quotes, which will save us money in the long run," Woodruff said.

The random sampling of contracts and purchase orders took place in early June and covered contracts awarded over a two-year period through April 2007. The transit agency is audited by the FTA every three years.

News release issued at 12:00 am, August 14, 2007.