Metro News Release

For immediate release: February 4, 2008

Metro's Art in Transit program makes Metro a place for poetry

Poet Laureate of the District of Columbia awards Metro

The Poet Laureate of the District of Columbia, Dolores Kendrick, presented Metro’s Art in Transit program with the Poet Laureate Award last month, in recognition of the program’s creative vision and commitment to poetry as an art form in Washington, D.C.

Art in Transit has developed numerous public art projects that feature poetry including, the European Union poetry project, Poetry in Motion, the artwork installation at the New York Ave-Florida Ave-Gallaudet U Metrorail station, which includes two poems by Kendrick, the artwork at the Dupont Circle Metrorail station that features poems by Walt Whitman and E. Ethelbert Miller, poetry readings as part of the MetroPerforms program, and most recently, the installation of a sculpture at Georgia Ave-Petworth Metrorail station that incorporates another Miller poem.

“People experience and appreciate art in very personal ways – and they consume and interpret it through their senses that are immediately engaged,” said Michael McBride, manager of Art in Transit. “For that reason, I like to combine creative disciplines in art projects—doing so always seems to make the art more enjoyable.”

For more information visit Metro’s Art in Transit program.

News release issued at 10:21 am, February 4, 2008.