Metro News Release

For immediate release: June 16, 2008

Kung Fu master shows fellow Metro riders the art of recycling

Legend tells of a devoted kung fu warrior who traveled great distances throughout the Metro transit system in search of a worthy foe. The enemy had many different faces and claimed to have expert knowledge about every subject known to humankind. On a number of occasions, the warrior thought he’d finally found his enemy and banished it from the Metro system for all of eternity. But moments later, dozens of imposters would spring up around him.

What enemy could possibly be so cunning?

The common commuter’s daily newspaper.

Tasked with a personal mission to find his long-lost brother and rid the transit system of those who would leave their newspaper in disgrace, the hero traveled far and wide, recruiting followers to join him.

“You are a most noble Metro rider, but you must not leave that newspaper!” the warrior said. “Leaving any sort of newspaper on a bus or train is littering. Most will take the newspaper and throw it to the floor.”

In Metro’s latest straight-to-YouTube video, “Littering Rabbit, Recycling Dragon,” viewers can follow the legendary warrior as he teaches riders the art of recycling. Will he ever find his brother? Find out by watching the video here.


News release issued at 9:14 am, June 16, 2008.