Metro News Release

For immediate release: January 17, 2009

Metro Transit Police warn riders about pickpockets

Large crowds associated with Inauguration events is attractive to thieves

The Metro Transit Police want riders to be on guard against thieves as they travel on Inauguration Day and the days leading up to it.

The large crowds expected at various inaugural events, such as Sunday’s opening ceremony, and Tuesday’s swearing-in ceremony and parade, make attractive targets for pickpockets.

“Pickpocketing is a crime of opportunity and the Inauguration and events associated with it will attract thieves from all corners to the Washington region,” said Metro Transit Police Detective Cedric Mitchell, who is a nationally recognized expert in pickpocket and identity theft crimes. “Crowded trains, train stations and bus stations are places where pickpockets like to ply their trade.”

Most pickpockets work in pairs or small groups. These criminals, usually nonviolent, want to blend in with the crowd, not stand out. They often cause a distraction by bumping into people or dropping things at crowded locations to draw victims’ attention away.

To protect themselves from becoming a victim of pickpocketing or other crime, the Metro Transit Police advise riders to:

• Keep handbags close to the body.
• Carry wallets inside a coat pocket rather than in pants pocket.
• Carry only the necessary amount of cash and credit cards.
• Remain aware of your surroundings at all times.
• Be especially wary if someone appears to create a distraction by dropping money, a newspaper, or any other item to take your attention away from your surroundings.
• Immediately contact the police and your bank if you are a victim of a pickpocket.
• Report any suspicious activity to a Metro employee or call the Metro Transit Police at 202-962-2121.

News release issued at 2:53 pm, January 17, 2009.