Metro News Release

For immediate release: October 29, 2002

"Boo Bus" at the Anacostia Metrorail Station Will Give Children a "Happy Halloween"

On Halloween Day at 3 p.m., the "Boo Bus," Metro’s annual "haunted" bus, will be on display at the Anacostia Metrorail station at Shannon Place, S.E., between M.L. King Jr., and Firth Sterling avenues. Southern Avenue/Southeastern Bus division employees, some dressed in Halloween costumes, will give away bags filled with safety tips and treats for approximately 900 children. Metro Transit Police will have McGruff the Crime Dog on hand to greet the children and to also pass out safety tips.

Metrobus’ "ghouls and goblins" will escort the kids, many of whom are usually dressed in Halloween costumes themselves, through the bus. Dark and decorated like a haunted castle, the interior of the "Boo Bus" will be festooned with fake cobwebs and surrounded by haunting music.

Earlier in the day, these employees will visit two schools in Southeast Washington, DC, and give Halloween gift bags to another 900 elementary school children combined at Birney Elementary School and Ferebee Hope Community School.

"We feel that it’s very important to give back to the community which has shown its support of Metrobus by using our service throughout the year," said Herbert Stroman, a Southeastern Bus Division operator. "So each year, operators and mechanics band together to provide this fun fest for children and their parents here in Southeast."

This year, Mr. Stroman and his colleagues felt it was especially important to host this event after the recent sniping incidents. "We wanted to help children return to a sense of normalcy after these tragic incidents," he explained. "Plus, this is a great way for children and their parents to safely observe Halloween and avoid being on the street to " trick or treat’ after dark."

The employees at the division, who often sponsor community-related activities throughout the year, are also collecting funds to donate to the family of Conrad Johnson, the Ride On bus operator slain in the last of the series of sniping incidents.

In addition, the PRTC Bus Division is collecting funds for the same purpose and is encouraging employees to make donations to help the family c/o Local 1944, the Conrad Johnson Fund, 108 Old Town Avenue, Gaithersburg, MD 20877.

Dozens of bus transit agencies from across the country have expressed interest in donating to the family as well. Along with other regional transit agencies, Metrobus and PRTC, operated by Metrobus, provided buses to join the "procession of buses" at Mr. Johson’s memorial service last Saturday.

News release issued on October 29, 2002.