Metro News Release

For immediate release: February 28, 2003

Metrorail ridership soars following area snowfalls

Metrorail ridership has soared in the aftermath of the President’s Day blizzard and this week’s snowfall as more commuters are choosing public transit as a convenient and reliable way to travel when local roadways are coated with ice and snow.

Although Metrorail service was limited in the first few days following last week’s 16- to 24-inch storm, area residents flocked to Metro’s platforms as area road crews continued to battle with the problem of moving such a large quantity of snow from area streets and highways. In the few days after the storm, snow piles sometimes remained, limiting lane use on roadways as commuters spent longer than usual commuting to and from their work places. Once the snow was removed, potholes erupted, again slowing traffic.

"I think that many people looked at the road conditions and decided that it was easier and more hassle-free to take Metrorail," said Metro CEO Richard A. White. "Last week we were working around-the-clock to return snow-damaged rail cars to service, and road crews were fighting the same battle on our streets. Yet even though we told our customers to expect delays as we rebounded from the blizzard, they poured through our stations. This week, with our repaired fleet of cars and trains back in full service, even the midweek dusting of snow resulted in even larger crowds choosing Metrorail. I think that says a lot about the level of confidence our customers have in our ability to provide dependable service."

During the week of the blizzard, Metrorail saw ridership climb from the previous week’s average daily ridership of about 630,000 per day to 670,000 by Friday (Feb. 21) even though Fridays customarily see lower ridership figures.

This week, Metrorail ridership continued to see a spike with 654,00 climbing on board Tuesday; 685,000 on Wednesday; and 675,000 on Thursday.

"This week’s ridership figures are more commonly seen in the spring as people anticipate the return of the cherry blossoms or in July when the weather is warmer and tourists are in bloom," Mr. White said.

Week before storm Week of storm This week’s snow
Tues. 2/11 634,379 2/18 (Govts Closed)190,721 2/25 653,969
Wed. 2/12 640,069 2/19 552,284 2/26 684,576
Thur. 2/13 637,450 2/20 657,871 2/27 674,728
Fri. 2/14 603,385

2/21 669,815

News release issued on February 28, 2003.