Metro News Release

For immediate release: July 29, 2003

Metro to disseminate travel information to persons 65 years of age and older

Project follows on the heels of the GrandDriver Options Program initiative in June 2003

On August 4, Metro will launch a project in which staff members will be at the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration’s (MVA) Largo branch office to distribute information to individuals 65 years of age and older on Metro’s transportation services. This information is being provided during the month of August for these individuals who may eventually need to know about alternative transportation options to plan for the day when they may no longer be able to drive. "We established a collaborative working relationship with Maryland’s MVA when we participated in the GrandDriver Options Program Initiative this past June," noted Debra Johnson, Metro’s Director of Project Communications. "The aim of the GrandDriver program was to educate and increase the awareness of senior citizens about Metro and other transportation options available to them when they may one day no longer have driving as an option. Our current project is an outgrowth and natural extension of the GrandDriver Options Program." MVA will allow Metro personnel to staff a window where senior citizens will be directed once they complete their business with MVA. Interested senior citizens will also have the opportunity of participating in Metro’s Travel Orientation Training on Metrobus and Metrorail. If requested, the Travel Orientation Training sessions will be organized for a subsequent date. "Metrorail opens doors to safe, convenient, and reliable service for more than 650,000 customers on average each weekday," stated Richard A. White, General Manager and Chief Executive Officer of Metro. "We are proud to provide this valuable transportation service to regional residents and customers from across the nation and from around the world, no matter their age or condition of mobility. We encourage senior citizens to learn more about riding Metrobus and Metrorail by contacting us for more information on our Travel Orientation Training program and other services." Metro staff will be on hand at the MVA to distribute information to senior citizens on Mondays and Fridays during August. Senior citizens and other customers are encouraged to go on line to or call 202-637-7000 or TTY 202-638-3780 for more information on riding Metrobus or Metrorail.

News release issued on July 29, 2003.