Metro News Release

For immediate release: August 27, 2003

Metro employees receive accolades from riders for outstanding customer service

Accolades arrive in time for " Be Kind to Humankind Week"

This week is " Be Kind to Humankind Week," and Metro employees take this ethic seriously everyday of every week, as indicated by letters and e-mails the Customer Service office receives about employees" exemplary customer service. For example, an e-mail about Jackie Jones, a Metrobus operator from the Landover Bus Division, was recently sent to Customer Service by Mr. Rayond Touya. He wrote that Ms. Jones " one of WMATA’s best drivers [who is] always cheerful, friendly, and helpful." His letter went on to state that " rain or shine, she is always ready to escort me across the street to help send me on my way, which is invaluable to a person like myself who is visually challenged. She is relaxed but firm with customers whenever they need directions, fare information, or more. She is always on time and a safe driver. Jackie Jones is the model driver who would be of great use training and supervising new drivers for WMATA." Custodian Craig Riddick received high praise from customer Veronica Greene when he was assigned to clean the rail station at Union Station. " I am happy to state that Mr. Riddick who cleans the station and has been doing it for almost two months is doing an excellent job. I remember the first day I came into the station after he began to work there. I thought they were having a special guest [or someone like the president of the United States] because the station was so clean! I couldn" t believe it . . . . That day I walked up to Mr. Riddick and asked him his name and I complimented him on his outstanding and truly noticeable work. His work ethic is one that deserves recognition! Please thank him for me." Customer Milton J. Hernandez wrote glowingly about bus operator Reggie Johnson of the Montgomery Bus Division: " This is to commend Mr. Johnson for his fine service for the months he has driven the 7:40 a.m. 14C bus from Lakeforest to Montgomery Mall. He has always been extremely punctual (arriving well before the departure time), courteous, friendly, and helpful. On many occasions, I have seen Mr. Johnson go out of his way to be helpful to passengers or people at the bus stop. His personality is very pleasant and he greets all his regulars in a cheerful manner . . . . He is also an extremely safe and talented driver. I think we would all like for him to be the 14C " Driver of the Year" !" Jason McConachy had similar comments about train operator Jerome Hall. " I was on a train that left West Falls Church around 6:40 a.m. and arrived at Federal Traingle at about 7:10 . . . . I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate our [train operator] . . . . I was amazed by the affection shown to him from other riders (people waving, shouting, have a good weekend, and more). The [operator] truly makes everyone happy to be riding his train. His kindness and goodwill have fostered such a happy riding environment. His conduct as a train [operator] is professional and exceptional. He seems to me to have set the standard for courtesy and professionalism in his job. I only wish that he could drive every train!" Finally, customer Avital Grunhaus wrote to offer " three (million) cheers" to rail supervisors Keith A. Gaddy, Rail Operations supervisor, Carl Mitchell, station manager at Gallery Place-Chinatown, Linette Donna Brice, station manager at Gallery Place-Chinatown, and Jeremy A. Myree, station manager at Metro Center, after they went to great lengths to retrieve her purse which became trapped [in the door] of a Metrorail train. After the train left the platform at Metro Center, she went to the station manager, Mr. Myree, who contacted Mr. Mitchell. She wrote, " Mr. Mitchell tirelessly and relentlessly called every station up to Glenmont and then tried the Green Line as well. He let me use his personal cell phone to notify my babysitter of my predicament. Ms. Brice freed him by taking care of [other] customers who came to seek help. I told Mr. Mitchell that my purse might be on the tracks, so he contacted Metro Center to have the tracks inspected. [It was] Mr. Myree who looked for my purse on the track bed, but to no avail. Mr. Gaddy rode the train from Gallery Place-Chinatown to Metro Center to retrieve my purse which had been turned in by passenger Michael Perkinson. I was exhilarated when my purse was returned with all the money and identifying papers inside . . . . how grateful I am to these wonderful people." She ended her story by writing, " Please [include in] their personnel files [this information regarding] their extraordinary help."

News release issued on August 27, 2003.