Metro News Release

For immediate release: February 11, 2004

Shuttle bus service established during elevator modernization at Metro Center Metrorail station

Work expected to take 10 weeks

Elevator modernization work will begin Friday, February 13, on the platform elevator at the Metro Center Metrorail station, which is the elevator that leads to the Red Line headed in the direction of Glenmont and the elevator that leads in both directions on the Blue and Orange Lines. The work is scheduled to be completed in 10 weeks, during which time the elevator will be out of service. Elevator modernization work encompasses a complete overhaul of the elevator.

Those customers who normally enter or exit at the Metro Center Metrorail station and who need the use of the elevator should contact the station manager where they enter the system to request the shuttle bus. Or a temporary shuttle bus is available for customers who request it in advance at 202-962-1825. The shuttle service will be provided at the Gallery Place-Chinatown Metrorail station on the Red Line and at the Federal Triangle Metrorail station on the Blue and Orange Lines.

Elevator modernization work will begin the same day on the street elevator at the Mt. Vernon Square/7th St.-Convention Center Metrorail station. Customers who usually use the street elevator located at the corner of 7th and McCollough Streets, NW, should instead use the elevators located at 7th and M Streets at the Convention Center to access the Metrorail station.

News release issued on February 11, 2004.