Metro News Release

For immediate release: April 2, 2004

New "Metrobus Moves" kids game added to Metro’s Web site

Now on the Metro Web site is the new "Metrobus Moves" game, a game which lets kids of all ages "drive" a small, animated Metrobus through pretend neighborhoods. Players can steer the bus using the arrow keys on their keyboards. The object is to visit each bus stop in the shortest possible time by driving the best route. The game ends when the player has visited all the bus stops.

The game is at To play, visitors must have the Flash browser plugin, which is available free and already installed on 97% of computers used to browse the Internet.

Metro’s Metrokids Web site also includes Metro safety tips, coloring projects, an online memory game and news of the annual student poster contest.

News release issued on April 2, 2004.