Metro News Release

For immediate release: February 9, 2005

Metro launches "The Straight Scoop"

Metro launched a new web-based informational tool called "The Straight Scoop" that allows the transit authority to post corrections, clarifications, additional details, and other information related to public reports about Metro. The new feature is linked to the Metro Web site home page at

The new feature includes a dated and archived list of corrections if errors or misinformation finds its way into public accounts about Metro, including web site postings, radio or television stories, or newspaper articles, editorials, columns or letters.

The first postings on "The Straight Scoop" provide detailed information related to a Washington Post online chat hosted by the paper’s transit reporter on Monday, February 7. During the chat, the reporter attempted to respond to several Metro-related questions, but admittedly did not have the complete information to do so. Metro’s "Straight Scoop" lists the location where the partial information was provided by the media outlet, includes a brief summary of the issue and then provides a correct and complete response to the original question.

To log onto "The Straight Scoop," visit:

News release issued on February 9, 2005.