Metro News Release

For immediate release: June 16, 2005

Metro to Replace the Public Address System and Closed Circuit Television Monitors In Its Underground Metrorail Stations

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (Metro) Board of Directors today approved an $18.8 million program to replace the current public address system in 39 underground Metrorail stations and the closed circuit television monitors at 30 stations.

The public address system and closed circuit television monitors have reached the end of their life expectancy. The original equipment and infrastructure date back to the beginning of the Metrorail system and the system over the recent years has declined in performance and reliability.

"The new public address system will not only benefit our customers on a daily basis as they use the system, but it also serves as a valuable tool to disseminate information during an emergency," said Dana Kauffman, Chairman of Metro’s Board of Directors.

Metro expects to have the new public address system and closed circuit monitors installed in about three years.

News release issued on June 16, 2005.