Metro News Release

For immediate release: November 22, 2005

Metro Transit Police warn riders about pickpockets

Pickpockets in Metro system decline after arrest

’Tis the season for pickpocketing, and Metro wants riders to be on guard against the thieves.

According to Metro Transit Police, this is the time of year pickpocket crimes tend to increase, not only in the transit system but across the country as people focus on holiday shopping.

"Pickpocketing is a crime of opportunity," said Cedric Mitchell, a Metro Transit Police Detective, who is a nationally recognized expert in pickpocket and identity theft crimes. "This is the time of year that people tend to be more vulnerable to pickpockets and other types of robberies, mostly because they tend to carry more cash and credit cards. We are very happy to have just locked up a pickpocket suspect who had been targeting Metro riders. The arrest has helped bring the number of pickpocket thefts down, but we still want our riders to stay alert."

Transit Police locked up the pickpocket suspect on October 24. Since then police have seen a 69 percent drop in pickpocket crime, compared to the same time period last year. Between Oct. 24 and Nov. 22 last year, there were 13 reported pickpocket cases, which compares to just four during the same period this year.

However, Metro Transit Police are reminding Metrobus and Metrorail riders to remain alert given the approaching holiday season.

There are several things that Metro riders can do to make themselves less vulnerable to become victims of a pickpocket. They include:

Women should keep handbags close to the body.

Men should avoid carrying their wallet in the pants pocket, and instead carry them inside a coat pocket.

Carry only the necessary amount of cash and credit cards.

If you are a victim of a pickpocket contact, the police and your bank immediately.

News release issued on November 22, 2005.