Metro News Release

For immediate release: February 16, 2006

Power Outage Affecting Metro’s Gallery Place-Chinatown StationStation Is Open

Metro’s Gallery Place-Chinatown station is open despite an ongoing PEPCO electrical power issue in a portion of downtown Washington, D.C.

All Red, Green and Yellow Line trains are operating at the Gallery Place-Chinatown Metrorail station. However, the 7th and F Street, and 9th and G Street entrances do not have lights, working escalators, faregates or farecard machines. The 7th and H Street entrance is not affected.

Limited emergency lighting is operating throughout the station. Metro has support personnel at the station, and is in the process of setting up emergency generators to provide additional lighting. Metro encourages riders to use care and caution when entering and exiting the station.


News release issued on February 16, 2006.