Metro News Release

For immediate release: March 17, 2006

Metro to allow GSA to build walkway at Suitland rail station

            Metro riders heading to the new U.S. Census Bureau headquarters in Suitland, Md., will be better protected from rain, sleet or snow by the end of 2006.
            Metro’s Board yesterday approved allowing the General Services Administration (GSA) to build and maintain a canopy connecting the new Census Bureau headquarters and the Suitland Metrorail station.
            The called “Metro Connection” canopy would link with the existing canopy outside the Metro parking garage at the Suitland Metrorail station. The Metro Connection is about 700 feet long and will house security cameras and emergency telephones. The GSA is paying to build and maintain the structure.
            It will take about six months to build the covered walkway. Metro and the GSA are in the midst of final negotiations on an agreement. Construction could begin as soon as next month. There will be a temporary loss of up to 36 Metro metered spaces during construction. Metro is working with GSA on a plan which may allow temporary parking at the Census Bureau headquarters during construction.

News release issued on March 17, 2006.