Metro News Release

For immediate release: May 16, 2006

Metro Ready to Handle Crowds Attending Immigrant Legalization Rally

Metrorail will operate on a normal weekday schedule on Wednesday, May 17, and all rail lines will operate with six-car trains to accommodate the National Day of Action for Immigrant Legalization Rally on the National Mall. Metro reminds everyone attending the rally to purchase a round-trip farecard, a one-day rail pass, or a SmarTrip card with enough value to include for the price of parking. For passengers parking at a Metrorail station, at least one person in the automobile must purchase a SmarTrip card and use it in the rail system and to pay for parking.

Metro personnel will be hand-selling the One-Day Metrorail pass at $6.50 at Vienna/Fairfax-GMU and the Franconia-Springfield Metrorail stations.

Metro will operate a normal Wednesday service and will monitor the crowds because extra rail cars and trains will be ready to go into service if needed. This means that all trains will operate every six minutes from the end of each rail line, and every three minutes in the downtown core of the city from 5 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., and 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. From 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., all trains will operate every 12 minutes from the end of each rail line, and every six minutes in the downtown core of the city.

After 9 p.m., all trains will operate every 15 to 20 minutes from the end of each rail line and every seven to 10 minutes in the downtown core of the city.

Metro anticipates larger than normal crowds at most end of line train stations due to event organizers dropping off participants at these locations and riding Metrorail to the rally.

There are several Metro stations close to the rally. Metro advises passengers attending Wednesday’s rally on the National Mall to use the following stations:

Passengers Coming In                                      Should Exit This Downtown

From This Metrorail Station                              Metrorail Station

Greenbelt, Green Line                                         L’Enfant Plaza

Branch Avenue, Green Line                                L’Enfant Plaza

Shady Grove, Red Line                                        Metro Center

Glenmont, Red Line                                             Metro Center

New Carrollton, Orange Line                              L’Enfant Plaza

Vienna/Fairfax-GMU, Orange Line                     Federal Triangle

Largo Town Center, Blue Line                           Smithsonian

Franconia-Springfield, Blue Line                       Smithsonian

Huntington, Yellow Line                                       L’Enfant Plaza

Metro will deploy additional rail supervisors and personnel to help direct passengers at the key downtown stations near the National Mall.

Metro also reminds passengers if they see anything suspicious, they should approach a Metro Transit Police officer, inform a Metro employee in uniform, or call Metro Transit Police at 202-962-2121.

News release issued on May 16, 2006.