Metro News Release

For immediate release: June 27, 2006

Download Metro’s special July 4 Map to Apple iPod

Whether traveling to the stadium for the Nationals game or heading to the Mall or U.S. Capitol grounds for the concert and fireworks, riders can use the special July 4 Metro map designed for their iPods to find out which rail line will get them to their destination.

Metro riders can download the special July 4 Metrorail map to their iPods, giving them a new, high-tech and portable means to find out how to get around the region on Metrorail and Metrobus on July 4.

Every July 4 Metrorail runs a special service plan designed to move crowds to and from the National Mall quickly, safely and efficiently. To make sure riders know about the modified service on Independence Day, Metro prints a special map and places it in every rail car and rail station, and also produces a special brochure for riders to pick up.

“This year riders with iPods have a new option for viewing the special Fourth of July Metrorail map. Giving passengers the opportunity to carry the Metro system map on their iPods will make it easier for riders on the go,” said Ray Feldmann, Metro’s assistant general manager for customer and media communications.

The iPod map lets riders plan their trips while en route on plane or in a car. They are not bound by a stationary map or looking at a big folding one, which adds to crowding in stations. Metro also is developing more content for iPods, including rail maps and bus routes to debut later this year.

To download the map, users take the same steps as they would to upload photographs to iPod Video/G5s, iPod Photo/Color Displays, or iPod Nanos. Once the Metrorail map is transferred to the iPod, viewers can scroll through the entire system at once or view each line individually.

To download the July 4 map to an iPod, visit Easy-to-follow instructions are posted on Metro’s web site at

News release issued on June 27, 2006.