Metro News Release

For immediate release: July 21, 2006

Metro recognizes excellent customer service

Metro recognized the first five recipients of the “High Five Employee Recognition Program” at its July 20th Board meeting. The program, launched in March, acknowledges and rewards exemplary service by Metro’s front-line employees.

“All of these outstanding individuals deserve our gratitude and our thanks for a job well done, and I hope you will join me in acknowledging their contributions to making Metro a better system,” said Metro’s Interim General Manager Dan Tangherlini, as he presented the five recipients to the board of directors.

The recipients are chosen monthly by a panel of Metro employees representing the Rail, Bus and Customer Communications departments. Each winner receives a framed certificate and $100.

The High Five award recipients are as follows:

Donald Moore, Sr., a bus operator from the Royal Street Division in Virginia, used his Metrobus to help an automobile driver who had a seizure. Moore blocked other vehicles from hitting the car and assisted the driver until paramedics arrived. He earned the award in March.

Dana Buckner and Cheryl Chaudry, Red Line Station Managers, helped an Ohio family get their sick 10-year old daughter from Union Station to a local hospital They earned the award in April.

Thomas Stanley, a Blue/Orange Line Station Manager, saw a sick customer at the Smithsonian station, and followed the passenger to the street level to offer assistance. The customer was experiencing insulin shock, and Stanley quickly helped the customer obtain food to restore his blood sugar. Stanley earned the award in May.

Samuel King, a Blue Line Station Manager, has been a model employee for more than 40 years with Metro and before that with DC Transit. Every month, Metro receives approximately 50 to 100 positive letters praising King’s excellent customer service. King goes above and beyond to help Metro customers, particularly lost or confused tourists. King earned the June award.

News release issued on July 21, 2006.