Metro News Release

For immediate release: August 17, 2006

Metro Details Service Options for Travel to FedEx Field to See the Redskins

As the Washington Redskins prepare for the 2006 football season, Metro is also preparing for the upcoming football season at FedEx Field. With service to Morgan Boulevard and Largo Town Center on the Blue Line, parking procedures for using the parking facilities at the stations for non-Metrorail riders, and shuttle bus services, Metro would like to highlight its transit services for the upcoming football season.

Metrorail Service to FedEx Field

Fans can take Metrorail to Morgan Boulevard Metrorail station (Blue Line) and walk to the stadium. The station is the closest to FedEx Field and is nine-tenths of a mile from the stadium. A walkway offers direct access to the stadium. The Largo Town Center Metrorail station, also on the Blue Line, is a one mile walk from the stadium.

Metrobus Service to FedEx Field

Fans can take Metrobus shuttle service from the Landover Metrorail station (Orange Line) to FedEx Field. Metrobus shuttle service will be available from the Landover station beginning three hours before kickoff, and continues two hours after the conclusion of the game. The shuttle service costs $5, with representatives from the Redskins collecting the $5 fee from shuttle bus customers when they arrive at the stadium.

Parking Procedures at Morgan Boulevard and Largo Town Center

Non-Metrorail riders who park at the Morgan Boulevard or Largo Town Center Metrorail stations to walk to special events at FedEx Field will be required to pay $25 via a SmarTrip cards.

Metro’s premium parking program requires Metrorail riders who park at the Morgan Boulevard or Largo Town Center Metrorail stations during events at FedEx Field to use a SmarTrip card to take their rail trips so they are not charged the premium $25 fee, but instead are charged the regular rate (or free on weekends).

For people who want to park at Morgan Boulevard or Largo Town Center without taking Metro, they will need to purchase a SmarTrip card from one of the Smartrip dispensers in the station to pay the necessary fee. Metro encourages fans to reuse these cards or to use at these parking facilities if people wish to park there again. Metro also encourages customers to register the SmarTrip card online for protection in case of loss or theft.

Signs at these parking facilities will be available to assist fans with questions on the parking procedures.

The non-Metrorail rider fee is in place three hours prior to event time and remains in effect until two hours after the event. This fee ensures that a premium market-based parking fee is charged to patrons attending these events.

For more information on Metro services, please visit the Web site at, or call (202) 637-7000, or TTY at (202) 638-3780.

News release issued on August 17, 2006.