Metro News Release

For immediate release: November 15, 2006

Metro receives 2006 annual public-private partnership infrastructure award for New York Avenue station

The National Council for Public-Private Partnerships (NCPPP) will present Metro with the NCPP 2006 Annual Public-Private Partnership Infrastructure Award for the New York Avenue Station project today.

“Metro is honored to receive this prestigious award for the innovative public-private partnership that enabled development of our New York Avenue Station,” said Metro Board Chair Gladys W. Mack.
The financing for the New York Avenue Metrorail Station was created through an extraordinary public-private partnership wherein private landowners created a special taxing district of the land in and around the proposed station. Landowners agreed to be assessed a “Metro Benefit Assessment Fee” based on the value of their property that generated a $25 million private sector contribution towards the station development. Further, the District contributed $59.9 million in general fund monies and the federal government provided $25 million for the project. Finally, it was the generous donation of land for the station by the private landowners that made the New York Avenue Station a reality.
After development of the unique financing plan, the $109.9 million station opened five years later on November 20, 2004.

The NCPPP will present the award to WMATA at its annual meeting luncheon today at the Hilton Alexandria in Alexandria, VA. Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels will be the featured speaker at the luncheon.

The mission of The National Council for Public-Private Partnerships is to advocate and facilitate the formation of public-private partnerships at the federal, state and local levels.


News release issued on November 15, 2006.