Metro News Release

For immediate release: November 15, 2006

Metro Hears from 30 Line Metrobus Customers and Will No Longer Endorse a Proposal to Split the Route

A proposal to split the Metrobus 30 line into two shorter segments is no longer being considered as Metro has heard from its customers, and will continue to develop a plan that improves service efficiency while meeting the needs of its customers.

Metro hosted public meetings on the proposed restructuring of the 30 line on October 26 and 30. Metro heard from more than 100 people, with the majority agreeing that service needs to be improved, but objecting to the splitting of the routes. Split routes would have forced transfers from one line to another. As a result of the public input, Metro will begin working with the affected communities to develop new ways to improve Metrobus service along these routes.

The original proposal for the 30 line involved splitting the line into two shorter routes to improve service reliability. The 30, Wisconsin Avenue Line would have run between the Friendship Heights and Federal Triangle Metrorail stations. The 32, 34, 35, 36 Pennsylvania Avenue Lines would have run between the Southern Ave Metrorail station and Federal Triangle Metrorail station, and the Naylor Road Metrorail station and Federal Triangle Metrorail station. During peak hours, the 34 bus route would have run to Farragut Square to minimize transfers.

The Pennsylvania Avenue Line is one of the top two Metrobus lines for ridership, averaging 19,000 passengers on 321 weekday trips, 9,800 passengers on 205 Saturday trips and 6,500 passengers on 143 Sunday trips.
The proposal to improve service efficiency along the 30 line is part of the fiscal year 2007 operating plan to improve Metrobus service through a variety of measures including the restructuring of select bus routes based on travel time, ridership, and on-time performance. Enhancements include creating skip-stop service.

News release issued on November 15, 2006.