Metro News Release

For immediate release: December 21, 2006

Metro to sell Arlington bus garage

Metro plans to sell its property that currently houses the Metrobus Arlington Division to Ashton Park Associates, LLC (APA) for mixed-use, transit-oriented development. The bus garage is on North Randolph Street near the Ballston Metrorail station.

Metro’s Board of Directors today approved the sales agreement which will not close until Metro moves the Arlington Bus Division operations to a new facility being constructed on West Ox Road in Fairfax County. Metro is scheduled to relocate bus operations by the end of 2008.

Metro intends to use proceeds from the sale of the Arlington bus garage property to partially fund its portion of the West Ox Road facility, which it will share with Fairfax County.

APA intends to assemble multiple properties in the immediate area of the Arlington bus garage and develop a mixed-use property to include retail and office space, apartments, affordable housing and open space.

News release issued on December 21, 2006.