Metro News Release

For immediate release: March 3, 2010

Metrorail identification rail car numbers now more visible

Prominent train identification numbers enhance rail safety

Metrorail identification rail car numbers now more visible
Metrorail identification rail car numbers now more visible

To enhance rail passenger safety by making it easier for customers, first responders and Metro operations personnel to identify a rail car, Metro is installing new train identification numbers atop all 1,130 rail cars.

The retrofit, which began last fall, removes the 2¼ inch, non-reflective exterior car numbers below the operator’s window and installs new, reflective five-inch numbers atop the end of each rail car. The program also features the installation of new, interior rail car door leaf numbers that makes it easier to identify a rail car door number if there is an issue with a door.

The new reflective and taller numbers atop the fleet of rail cars makes it easier for customers, first responders and Metro staff to identify a rail car immediately in an emergency or other incident on Metrorail. Metrorail customers should look for the train identification number on the outside of the car in its new location or inside the rail car at either end of the car at the bulkhead doors when they need to report a rail incident.

Metro officials expect to have the entire fleet retrofitted with the new identification numbers by this summer.

The retrofit program costs $162,000, which includes material, labor, installation, and the design for the exterior rail car and interior door leaf numbers.

Media contact for this news release: Steven Taubenkibel or Lisa Farbstein at 202-962-1051.
For all other inquiries, please call customer service at 202-637-7000.

News release issued at 9:13 am, March 3, 2010.