Metro News Release

For immediate release: April 14, 2010

Track safety top priority at Metro

Working group dedicated to improving safety in right-of-way

Metro has begun overhauling its Roadway Worker Protection (RWP) Program and general safety on the tracks, taking steps to protect rail workers and other Metro personnel who must access track areas.

Enhancements to Metro’s track safety include identifying a single work zone leader; using multiple layers of worker protection; developing a phased training program; and implementing yearly retraining and requalification for track workers.

Officials at the transit agency created a RWP work group focused on addressing concerns about safety on Metro’s tracks. In a briefing to the Metro Board’s Customer Service Operations and Safety Committee Thursday, April 9, safety personnel pointed to the RWP work group as a key factor in the progress Metro has made in the area of safety.

“With the development of the working group, we now have a team dedicated specifically to safety on our tracks,” said Acting Safety Chief Michael Taborn. The group is creating a comprehensive track safety manual, restructuring training, and identifying technologies and processes that promote a safe and efficient work environment, he said.

The RWP working group has reached out to other transit agencies and rail transportation companies to develop best practices for improving safety of Metro infrastructure and operations. The group has also coordinated with the TOC and labor representatives to discuss safety improvements.

News release issued at 11:20 am, April 14, 2010.