Metro News Release

For immediate release: May 17, 2012

Bethesda elevator rehabilitation project to start in late May

Metro will fully rehabilitate the entrance elevator at Bethesda Station starting late this month. 

The elevator, which operates between the mezzanine and street level, will be out of service for approximately four months for its first major rehabilitation since the station opened in 1984.

The project is a prudent step before beginning a major project in early 2014 to replace the three existing entrance escalators with new “transit grade” units to improve reliability. At 212 feet, the escalators are the second longest in the Metrorail system.

During the rehabilitation project, technicians will replace all critical components of the elevator, including the cab, motor and control systems. Free shuttle bus service will be available for customers between Medical Center and Bethesda stations. To request a shuttle, customers should see a Station Manager or call (202) 962-1825.

To ensure that escalator service is maintained during the project, a technician will be assigned to the Bethesda Station during system operating hours for the duration of the elevator rehabilitation project. Every effort will be made to provide ascending and descending escalator service at all times. However, in the event that all three units are out of service, the station will need to temporarily close for safety reasons.

Customers who use the station are encouraged to sign up for MetroAlerts and select "Bethesda Station" to stay up to date on the project's progress.

News release issued at 1:56 pm, May 17, 2012.