Metro News Release

For immediate release: October 12, 2012

Metro seeks input on the East Capitol - Cardozo Line (Route 96, 97) Service

Riders, transportation agencies, to discuss service issues, potential solutions

Metro will host a community meeting on Thursday, October 18th at the Phoenix Park Hotel to discuss the Metrobus East Capitol - Cardozo Line (96/97) Service Evaluation Study. The meeting is a part of ongoing studies to improve service on some of the region’s most heavily used bus lines. At the meeting, the project team will discuss preliminary findings and potential service improvement concepts.

Riders and members of the public are encouraged to attend the meeting to provide ideas for 96/97 service:

Meeting Time and Date: 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, Thursday, October 18, 2012
Meeting Location: Phoenix Park Hotel, Federal City Room, Second Floor, 520 North Capitol Street NW, Washington DC 20002

The format of the meeting will be “open house,” where participants can arrive at any time between five and seven to offer their input. No advance registration is required. Metro hopes that the open house will promote direct dialogue between Metrobus riders and project staff, and that the absence of a meeting schedule will appeal to those who have only a few minutes to participate.

For more information about the Service Evaluation Study, or to give Metro your feedback in a survey about the lines currently being evaluated, please visit the Metrbus Studies website.


News release issued at 4:14 pm, October 12, 2012.