Your Comments Make Art

Comments Make Art

5 Communities, 5 Murals

As part of our efforts to create a bus network that is fast, frequent, reliable, and easier to understand, Metro hosted five Experience LIVE! Workshops where the community was able to share feedback in fun and creative ways. One of the most popular activities was our community murals.

Talented visual notetakers created special murals by transforming our guest's comments into an impactful community mural to serve as the workshop's visual artifact, calling attention to the community's shared priorities. 

Visual Notetakers

Visitors to our workshops enjoyed meeting our artists who translated their thoughts and words into a compelling community mural. Check out this behind-the-scenes look at our visual notetaker team in action!

This collective artistic inspiration showcases what the Better Bus Network Redesign project is: a way to improve our city's services based on our communities' voices. Take a look at the murals comments below or download them from our resources webpage.

5 Communities, 5 Murals